Friday, December 24, 2010

Mulling Sidewalks

From our house to yours, Merry Christmas!

Don't forget to check out the Norad link on the right side of this blog to track Santa's progress.  I'm writing this about 3:45 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.  That means Santa has all ready started his trip on the other side of the world!!!

Hopefully, you've all been good enough for a quick stopover.  If not, perhaps those of you who live near sidewalks could make your own cheer by going door to door caroling...'tis better to give than receive, you know.

I hear that strain, "I'm dreaming of a white sidewalk...."

To go along with caroling, as you'll want to stay warm while you're hitting the pavement, be sure to take a look at this recipe from Daily Candy for spiced wine and pack some for the trip!  Oh, be sure to drink moderately and responsibly!  Or, just keep it warm at home and have it when you return:

Cup of Cheer

Mulled wine is a must for going door to door:
Pour a bottle of Chianti into a medium saucepan, add two cinnamon sticks, two star anise, one tablespoon of cloves, three tablespoons of brown sugar, and the peel of one orange (or cut to the chase with mulled wine syrup); simmer for twenty minutes.

We have a bottle of spiced wine to enjoy this evening (it does come pre-packaged these days) and we'll be toasting you all...if we get toasted ourselves, then I'll have more to write about for the holidays!

Oh, and I did ask Santa for a sidewalk this year...I know he doesn't use them himself, but it's big on my list.  I'm not sure how he'll get in down the chimney, and I did forget to specify color and size, but due to the recession there's lots of room for it under the tree, no matter what he brings.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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